Islamic Political Theology - Akiro Matsumoto
Islamic political theology [in Japanese]


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Islamic political theology [in Japanese]


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Islamic Political Theology
— Walāyah and Wilāyah —

“Walāyah and Wilāyah” are key concepts in ontology and theonomy in the Quran. This book highlights the uniqueness of Islamic thought by exploring the etymological similarities between Walāyah (amity) and Wilāyah (authority).

Author: Akirou Matsumoto

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16 in stock

Islamic Political Theology
— Walāyah and Wilāyah —

“Walāyah and Wilāyah” are key concepts in ontology and theonomy in the Quran. This book highlights the uniqueness of Islamic thought by exploring the etymological similarities between Walāyah (amity) and Wilāyah (authority).

Author: Akirou Matsumoto
Genre: Religion/Islam
Publication date: 1993/08/20
ISBN: 9784624111472
Publisher: Miraisha

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Ontology and Theonomy in Islam
Chapter 2: Semantics of Walāyah
Chapter 3: Sufism and Walāyah
Chapter 4: The Seal of Prophethood and the Seal of Walāyah
Chapter 5: Walāyah in the “Garden of Mysteries”
Chapter 6: Khilāfah (Viceregency) and Walāyah
Chapter 7: Origins of Wilāyah (Supervisory Authority)
Chapter 8: Metaphysics of Wilāyah
Chapter 9: The Supervisory Authority of Jurists – Khomeini’s Theory of Wilāyah


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